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Establish a Company Culture of Belongingness and Inclusion

MODASE Inc. هي شركة استشارية تركز على مساعدة عملائنا في مجالات التنوع والمساواة والشمول والانتماء والاستشارات الإدارية والتخطيط والتطوير التنظيمي وإنتاج الأحداث.

هل ترغب في تجربة خبرة شركة MODASE بنفسك؟ اتصل بنا اليوم ودعنا نناقش ما يمكننا القيام به من أجلك.

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Belonging Training Sessions
Team Portrait

Laying the foundations

DEI Micro-credential Program

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional growth with our upcoming two-day retreat, meticulously designed to ignite change and elevate your impact.


Purposeful Design

Inclusive Design Institute

The Inclusive Design Institute has a clear objective: to empower educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to establish inclusive and equitable learning environments.

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Leading with Pride

OutFront Program

The OutFront Leadership program is a transformative journey  designed to empower 2SLGBTQ+ senior and emerging leaders in the workplace


Leadership Training

Our Leadership Training service prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We empower individuals to embrace their strengths, equipping them with tools for effective leadership. Whether experienced or emerging, our program fosters unique qualities and essential skills. Our aim is to create lasting, positive impacts on leaders' confidence and abilities.

DEI Training

If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.

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Strategy & Governance

If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.

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Sustainability Planning

If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.

لا توجد منشورات بهذه اللغة حتى الآن

ما هي  قول

"كان من دواعي سروري حضور ورش عمل دافين. أنا حقا أحب أسلوبه الفريد
توصيل. كانت ورش العمل الخاصة به تفاعلية للغاية. لدي الآن الثقة في
العودة إلى مؤسستي والبدء في إجراء التغييرات. شكرا جزيلا لك"
- سامينا خان ، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجلس مالتون النسائي
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