Establish a Company Culture of Belongingness and Inclusion
MODASE Inc. to firma konsultingowa skoncentrowana na pomocy naszym klientom w obszarach różnorodności, równości, integracji i przynależności, konsultingu w zakresie zarządzania, planowania i rozwoju organizacji oraz produkcji wydarzeń.
Chcesz osobiście przekonać się o ekspertyzie MODASE Inc.? Zadzwoń do nas już dziś i porozmawiajmy o tym, co możemy dla Ciebie zrobić.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Belonging Training Sessions
Leadership Training
Our Leadership Training service prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We empower individuals to embrace their strengths, equipping them with tools for effective leadership. Whether experienced or emerging, our program fosters unique qualities and essential skills. Our aim is to create lasting, positive impacts on leaders' confidence and abilities.

DEI Training
If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.

Strategy & Governance
If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.

Sustainability Planning
If you are looking for a thoughtful and progressive approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training, Daven Seebarran Consulting is the perfect fit for you. Our comprehensive training programs help build the skills and tools needed to enhance belongingness and turn rhetoric into action, both online and live. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion in your organization.
„To była przyjemność uczestniczyć w warsztatach Davena. Bardzo podobał mi się jego unikalny styl
dostawa. Jego warsztaty były bardzo interaktywne. Teraz mam pewność, że
wrócić do mojej organizacji i zacząć wprowadzać zmiany. Wielkie dzięki"
- Samina Khan, przewodnicząca zarządu, Rada Kobiet Malton